EOS vs Stellar

August 16, 2021

EOS vs Stellar: Battle of the Blockchains

Welcome to the ultimate showdown between EOS and Stellar, two of the most popular blockchain platforms in the world. Both EOS and Stellar were designed to address challenges associated with blockchain technology such as scalability, speed, and security. But which one of these blockchain platforms is the best? Let's figure it out.

Key Features

EOS was created by Dan Larimer, co-founder of Bitshares and Steem, with the aim of creating a blockchain-based platform for decentralized applications (dApps) capable of processing millions of transactions per second. One of the most significant features of EOS is its Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism, which is known for its high scalability and low latency. EOS also features a smart contract platform, EOSIO, that can support multiple programmable languages such as C++, Python, and JavaScript.

Stellar, on the other hand, was founded by Jed McCaleb, co-founder of Ripple, with the aim of providing a global payment platform that facilitates cross-border transactions. One of the main features of Stellar is its unique consensus protocol, called Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP), which is known for its energy efficiency and security. Stellar can process up to 1,000 transactions per second and supports a broad range of currencies and assets.


When it comes to performance, both EOS and Stellar have proven to be efficient blockchain networks capable of dealing with high volumes of transactions. EOS can process up to 2,000 transactions per second, while Stellar can handle around 1,000 transactions per second.

But while EOS is widely regarded as one of the fastest blockchain platforms, it has come under scrutiny due to its reliance on a limited number of block producers, which can potentially lead to centralization. Stellar, on the other hand, has a more decentralized network due to its federated consensus model, which allows for more validators than traditional systems. This makes Stellar more resistant to centralization attacks.

Potential Use Cases

EOS and Stellar offer unique features that make them suitable for different use cases. EOS is well-suited for building high-performance dApps that require fast and reliable transaction processing, such as gaming, social media, and financial services. On the other hand, Stellar is best suited for cross-border payments and remittances, thanks to its ability to support various currencies and assets.


Both EOS and Stellar have proven to be powerful blockchain platforms that can offer unique benefits to different use cases. EOS is best suited for dApps that require fast and reliable transaction processing, while Stellar is best suited for cross-border payments and remittances.

It's difficult to say which blockchain platform is better as it ultimately depends on the use case. But hopefully, this comparison has helped you gain a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of both EOS and Stellar.


  1. EOS: https://eos.io/
  2. Stellar: https://www.stellar.org/
  3. EOS vs. Stellar: Which is the Better Blockchain?: https://coincentral.com/eos-vs-stellar/

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